Friday, August 21, 2009

More Aerial Shots

Click on the picture to see the full image

There's a lot of mountain ranges on the way from Salt Lake City to Houston. I took these pictures on a warm summer day where I can actually see more details on the ground. In the winter, all you'll see is snow and ice as you fly over this area.

The camera can only show so much and the picture does not do justice to the real view. By the way, flying over mountain ranges usually makes the flight pretty bumpy. There was a couple of bumps but this flight was pretty smooth all the way... pretty unusual for the summer.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Outside the Window (Provo, Utah)

I'm currently in Provo, some 40 miles south of Salt Lake City in Utah. I'll be working here for the next 2 weeks. Such a gorgeous place. This is the view that I get when I look out of the office window.

I've been all over the US but this is the first time that I actually liked a place well enough that I can consider moving here from Houston (still my first choice).

It's going to be a very busy month for me - long hours on the weekdays and additional work even on weekends. I wouldn't mind having a window view such as this on all my projects.